Labor Me Vocat

labor me vocat

Translated from the Latin, Labor Me Vocat is roughly, ‘duty calls’, an apt motto describing my current state of affairs. As is occasionally inevitable in a life of craftwork, my head and hands are now fully focused on realizing a string of challenging projects, and my posts on this site will be less frequent. ???? ???? ??? ?????

I began this experimental weblog two years ago as a way to organize my thinking about craft during the course of daily life and work, as a contemporary take on the ‘jointer’s journals’ of 18th century carpenters. To that end, I’ve come full circle, and am confident the site now functions pretty well as an elaborate articulation of my philosophy of craft, hopefully useful as an idiosyncratic ‘pattern book’ of an approach to sustainable design applicable across disciplines and diverse media. I’ve tried to consistently distill my thoughts in an ongoing manifesto, which codifies an ethos of making and invites elaboration by others.

In closing out this phase of Deep Craft, and in preparing to lay the groundwork for a new body of work informed by my research, I hope to draw some conclusions. ??? ????? ????? I’ve learned to see craft as a bridge between art and design, a way of making aesthetic inquiry empirical. Ultimately, the practice of craft is a strategy or method for matching one’s inner state to outside conditions, which to me defines an ideal state of comfort.

I thank all of my devoted readers across the globe for their support, and hope to hear from folks about their favorite posts as I consider developing Deep Craft as a book proposal. ????? ????? ?? ??????? In the interim, please feel free to ‘friend’ me on Facebook. – Sincerely, Scott Constable


2 replies on “Labor Me Vocat”

  1. Scott–with regard to “closing out this phase of the log”:
    The time you’ve taken, and especially the seriousness with which you’ve taken it, has been an inspiration. Your craftsmanship is well appreciated!

  2. Thanks, Anthony. I’m honored to have you out there tuning in to my musings. I hope to see you this year and catch up with the Bevilacqua haps. Aili has expressed an interest in RISD, so we may come out for a visit this fall during that alumnae weekend. I’ll keep you posted!

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