Indian Summer

Indian Summer Walking through town in Nederland Colorado at the peak of Indian Summer at 8500 feet above sea level, sky clear to the ozone, aspen trees acid yellow against the dissolving charcoal/green breaking moray of tapering evergreen and purple beetle-kill, the mundane smells of everyday life at midday- creosote, food frying, mingling with wild […]

A Walking Song

sometimes I make up songs during a long walk There is no better design tool than a good long walk. It may not always lead to creative breakthroughs, but does reliably clear the noggin and put things in perspective. ivexterm in usa Before I begin to think about a particular project during a walk, I […]

The Quiet Mechanics of Country Life

Here the soils of daily washing stay on the land, conveyed by gravity through pipes to the leach fields to join the earth of the tree duff, filtering fresh rainfall to replenish the dwelling well. Meanwhile the ferrous field well spews rustily over the garden, adding a mineral edge to the lusty bite of a […]

Wishing Wands

One of three ‘seed heads’ of stainless steel and crystal, fabricated by Jeff McCann After a year of planning with the City of San Jose’s Public Art Program, we’re excited to be finally installing our Wishing Wands sculptures at Berryessa Creek Park. The latest Wowhaus project consists of three 12′ high sculptures depicting ‘dandelions’ in […]

Scent Memory (Yankee Beach Cottage)

In the powdered donut drawer, a bank’s blue ballpoint pens. Beneath the white pine floor damp sand beds cedar cellar beams. Above the front screen door, the transom’s wavy pane’s trimmed, pinned with enough loving imperfection to shed a season’s rains in a blow, sweetening the chamfered glow.