Swell Break: Deep Craft on the Edge

  Swell Break logo/coaster by Headlands Center for the Arts I’ve been tapped by the Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin County to head a workshop over Labor Day Weekend called Swell Break: Deep Craft on the Edge. The programming staff at Headlands were inspired by my Deep Craft Atelier at Storefront Lab last […]

Deep Deck Developments

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab. I designed a portable, adjustable-length hole-drilling jig for mounting trucks to decks. I’ve been having fun making my first production run of Deep Deck longboards in Jupiter, my hydraulic press, whose crushing force shapes camber and concavities in veneers of […]

Deep Craft Atelier at Storefront Lab

Storefront Lab, at 337 Shotwell, San Francisco (screen grab from google maps) I’m honored my Deep Craft Atelier has been selected to be the lead-off project for Storefront Lab, David Baker and Yosh Asato’s experiment in community engagement, public space and commerce in San Francisco’s Mission District. Beginning July 23rd, I will convert the space […]

Made in Jupiter

‘Jupiter’, my recently completed hydraulic press, forms two Deep Deck blanks at a time. I first started calling my new hydraulic press ‘Jupiter’ when I was forming up the concrete blocks, knowing its compressive force would exceed that of the planet Jupiter, whose gravitational pull is about three times that of Earth’s. The planet Jupiter […]

Deep Craft video

I’m proud to post the final episode of Kirsten Dirksen’s three part documentary she filmed in one day this past winter when she was visiting from Barcelona, home base for her company, faircompanies.com. This is my favorite one and I think it does a wonderful job of presenting the core of my Deep Craft philosophy. […]

Deep Deck Mold

The two-part concrete mold is released from the plywood form. I’m building a hydraulic press to make cold-molded skateboard decks in anticipation of scaling up my production and capabilities. The first step is to build a form around a wooden ‘blank’ to support an investment of cast concrete. I took some time to make a […]